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Prophetic Glory Last Days Conference  

Thu 13 – Fri 14 Oct 2022 @ BITEC Bangna

Sat 15 Oct 2022 “Special Briefing” @ KPN Tower


We are living in perilous and uncertain times where the unprecedented is becoming the new normal. How should God’s people respond to the explosion of fake news and propaganda generated from the playbook of the devil intending to prime the world for the revelation of the antichrist?

 The only antidote :

A powerful prophetic church that understands the Apocalyptic End Times! 

Thailand’s redemptive gift is to be a cutting edge prophetic nation as evidenced by the proliferation of false prophets in the form of fortune tellers and dabblers of witchcraft. The devil cannot create but can corrupt and redirect the use of the prophetic gift of God to steal, kill and destroy people.

This first Global Prophetic Glory Last Days Conference aims to gather prophetic leaders to become Throne Room prophets and a prophetic company to discern, declare and decree the Kairos Word of God for Thailand and the nations.

This prophetic conference will also encourage, equip and empower a new generation of Kingdom disciples to be aligned with God and triumph in these challenging times. This conference will prepare them to become a prophetic voice in their sphere of influence and to be a prophetic people ready for the second coming of the Lord Jesus.  It will also serve as a platform and network to connect Thai and international leaders for end times preparation.

Summary of Objectives


Spiritually awakened Christians to arise to the prophetic light of God (Isaiah 60:1).


Prophetically awakened Christians to be aligned with God’s end times plans and become His voice!


Prophetically arisen and aligned Christians receiving their assignments to do great exploits (Dan 11:32)

Expect fresh impartation of prophetic glory and revelational knowledge to be triumphant in the end times!

Conference Topics and more…

  • Updated End Times Time Line You Must KNOW!
  • Top End Times Signs You Cannot IGNORE!
  • The New World Order will CONTROL You! Ready?
  • Why Prophetic Glory is VITAL for the End Times
  • Why You Must BREAK OUT of Babylon Now!
  • How to MOVE in Prophetic Glory in the Last Days?
  • PREPARE Your Goshen Now before it is too Late!

Specialist Panel on HOW to prepare God’s Goshen!


David Herzog

David and Stephanie Herzog have been in full time ministry for over 25 years since 1991 and have lived in the U.S as well as in France with their family as missionaries. Both are graduates of Christ For the Nations Institute (since 1992) with an Associate of Practical Theology Degree and in 2014 David received his Doctorate. (David also has a masters degree) During that time they have ministered in over 50 nations and held both large evangelistic campaigns as well as hosting and speaking in conferences, churches, seminars, stadiums and outreaches seeing incredible healings, miracles and deliverances confirming the Gospel message.

David and Stephanie have had multiple opportunities to counsel and pray with Presidents and Vice Presidents, Prime Ministers and other government leaders as well as those in the media and entertainment industry.

For several years they hosted a TV Show called, “The Glory Zone” and have appeared on numerous television interviews both Christian and Secular. David is the author of 8 books including “Glory Invasion” and Stephanie is the author of “God is your Matchmaker” and they are the founders of DHM.

Chee Kang Seng

Pastor Kang Seng is a revelational preacher from Singapore who has ministered in more than 20 nations. A graduate from the National University of Singapore, Pastor Kang Seng also holds a Master’s degree from Fuller Theological Seminary.

Fulfilling the Antioch call on Singapore, Kang Seng was sent by God to Thailand and has seen more than 10,000 souls added to the Kingdom with thousands miraculously healed. He is the founder of Living Streams International, which is one of the fastest growing apostolic networks in Thailand focused on church planting, evangelism and transformation.

He is also the founder of Revive Asia, a platform committed to the revival of Asia, city taking and nation transformation, which saw the first Revive Asia Conference attended by 5000 from 40 nations.

He also leads Tabernacle of David Worship Centre Singapore (TOD) focusing on End Times teaching which has more than 6,000 registrants from 50 nations including the USA, Canada, Australia and many European nations. 70 modules of End Times teachings have been broadcasted and the program is aired twice monthly now.

In addition, Kang Seng has trained more than 4000 people from 30 nations on the School of the Supernatural Spirit and School of Apostolic Prophets. He is the author of EAPPPP – a powerful evangelistic tool that has proven very effective in equipping and empowering Christians to engage in Apocalyptic, Proclamation, Power, Presence and Prophetic evangelism.

Kang Seng specialises in preaching the Kingdom of God manifesting the presence and glory of God resulting in miracles, healings and deliverance.

VC John

VC John is a Global Sustainability Strategist for a leading consulting MNC Firm with over 16 years of experience in the public sector as well as in the Banking, Financial Services and Insurance industry. He has worked closely with regional government entities and global programs for over 10 years. On the personal side, VC and his wife Sabrina serve as youth pastors in the local church, being involved in young adult and family counselling for almost two decades. They are now actively involved with setting up a training base for the end times believers to learn about food security, survival planning and deep-learning God’s Word.


Main Session

Thu 13 – Fri 14 Oct

Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC) | Hall GH201 – 202

Special Briefing

Sat 15 Oct

Living Streams Church @ KPN Tower

(Shuttle Bus service will be provided) 

Conference Schedule

David Herzog will also minister at Living Streams Church services @KPN Tower on Sunday 16th October.

*Special Briefing will be available onsite only without broadcast or recording

*This Program may be subject to change

Registration Packages & Fee

THE GATHER TOGETHER PROMO (valid 06 Sep – 26 Sep)
Last Chance! – Promo extended to 10 Oct

Register for 2 seats or more to enjoy 10% discount!
(valid for 2 seats or more in one order. excludes Gold package)

Webinar Package

(Attend Online – Main Sessions Only)

*Price in SGD

Main Sessions Package (13 – 14 Oct 2022)

Full Conference Package (13 – 15 Oct 2022)

Limited 300 Seats Only

*Online ticket (non transferrable) allows participant to watch the session online with 1 month access to the recording of the main sessions.

Registration can be made through these channels

Updated on 11 Oct 2022 for Conference Week – PLEASE READ CAREFULLY

Webinar Registration

Register and pay through these channels 

Payment methods

  • Direct Bank Transfer (Thailand and Singapore)
  • (International / SGD Only)

Note : Webinar information and link will be send to your email within 4 hours after the payment is received and verified.

Registration for attending onsite

Register now to reserve your seat and pay upfront at the conference venue

Payment methods

  • Cash
  • Credit Card

Note : Everyone register after 10 Oct must pay registration fee at the conference venue only. 

For enquiries, please email

International Visitors

For international visitors, please download our International Visitors Kit for the list of hotels and important travel information.

Tabernacle of David

To establish a fresh foundation for generations of God’s people who will move prophetically and powerfully in the supernatural. To equip a generation with revival and reformation DNA who will fulfil the Acts 13 call to transform nations through church planting and fulfilling the 7-mountain mandate. To provide cutting edge resources that will shift the Church into present truth and practices.